Monday, May 21, 2012

Project Sylpheed

Project Sylpheed; kungfu gameplay review
Ok, so I'm doing this review more or less at the request of the GameFAQs user: "Gabrius", as a game that didn't get nearly enough attention. Many people talk about how awesome Rogue Squadron was, and how it badly needs a current Gen remake, but why aren't those people looking at Project Sylpheed? If you like the arcade space shootemup action, you can't beat Project Sylpheed for playability. Furthermore, it as an engaging, if formulaic, story that is suited to those with a taste for Japanese Animation. Watch the vid. Give it a thumbs up :)


  1. Great! I've been curious about this game for a long time. I watched a few minutes on my lunch break, I'll check out the whole thing when I'm not at work.

    1. ok nice one :D be sure to get back to me on that!

    2. Awesome looking game, but completely unattractive title.

    3. I agree that the title is pretty naf.

    4. Maybe it just seems this way because I was watching rather than playing, but the game seemed more slowly paced than Rogue Squadron and other games like Skygunner and StarFox. Would you agree?

      I like the quick look format of this review. Watching a section of continual gameplay helped me get a feel for what Project Sylpheed is about. I will probably pick this up from a bargain bin someday.

    5. Honestly I think the pacing is very similar to those other titles you mentioned. It's going to vary between levels obviously - but later on you have missions with set time limits etc - it really makes you rush. You can't get away with arsing about.

      Also, thatnks for the feedback on the format. It's actually quite convenient because doing a review like this in many ways is much easier and quicker to produce than editing together a highlights montage and coming up with appropriate commentary.

  2. Not sure this is a game I'd enjoy but I am really enjoying your casual review style. I also like getting your views on games because a more qualified gamer I have never known. (Sorry, CloakerJosh)
