Saturday, April 7, 2012

Shadows of the Damned

So yeah, Shadows of the Damned.
It's basically the video game equivalent of a B horror movie. You'll either love it or hate it, and your feelings may be entirely contingent on the art style and the writing, and voice acting.
Garcia comes across as a guy who takes himself way too seriously, and his girlfriend is clearly a straight up psychopath. Well, what else can you expect from a girl that you find in a dumpster?

Watch the vid :D


  1. Gaming needs more games like this in my opinion. The David Cages and the Jonathan Blows would have gaming become a self indulgent bore.

  2. And the shinji mikami's would have it become a self indulgent boner? :D

  3. Nice review. Reinforces the "wait until it's cheap" approach I've been taking with this game. Still waiting.

    1. Really? I bought it for 20 dollars..
      Where do you live that it is still expensive?

  4. It was still $40 last time I looked. That was about 2 months ago. I shall look again.

    1. I'd be surprised if it was still that much, but I guess it can vary from one retailer to another - furthermore I bought it second hand for that price - presumably you can buy second hand/pre-owned somewhere close?
